Tag Archives: Enki Bilal

Enki Bilal at Musée des Arts et Métiers

Enki Bilal

I’m coming back to my trip to the Musée des Arts et Métiers one more to time to focus on a temporary exhibit by comic artist Enki Bilal titled Mécanhumanimal (tongue twister much?).

The pictures I’m showing here are definitely among the more tame in the collection. If you are easily offended, squeamish, or a bit of a prude this is not the exhibit for you. For those who aren’t, you will get a chance to see some incredibly imaginative, detailed, and evocative art.

Enki Bilal

Born in Yugoslavia, Enki Bilal came to France at the age of 14 and became one of France’s top comic artists. His most well known comic work is the Nikopol Trilogy. The graphic novel series is a look at a future world where the gods of old and genetically altered humans live together. Seems like a recipe for some craziness to me. I’m definitely going to be picking this one up though my French skills are still so bad I’ll have to get a translated copy.

Enki Bilal

This exhibit is on now through January 5th 2014. It’s definitely worth a look.

Enki Bilal